Our 4 months old…time flies

Everything going well…and already thinking of a second baby

We have been blessed by a beautiful (I am probably a bit biased!) baby girl in April. She is an absolute delight, and is filling our days with joy.

I do not spend a day without thinking that it was thanks to Duofertility…and my monitor is “staring at me” every time I open the bathroom drawer…the question is only “when” rather than “if”. In our situation, I think that it would be wise not to wait for too long before we start trying again, as who knows,… this may be our last month for all I know (my cycles may suddenly stop with the onset of menopause).

I had promised not to be one of those bloggers who cannot help themselves talking about their baby despite the fact that it was originally a blog about infertility struggles. As this was really upseting me when I was looking for answers…. as you cannot help feeling happy for the person who has managed to have a child, but at the same time ….”why not me???”.
I of course want to bring some hope to women out there who have been told by their doctors that there is no chance that they will get pregnant naturally… well I proved them wrong, and you probably can too! Thanks Duo fertility!

I will get back to the blog when I am starting to try again – so hopefully not in too long. I have already noticed that clearblue has a new monitor in Boots – I wonder if it is any better?? I will probably have to try it out!

6 thoughts on “Our 4 months old…time flies

  1. Hi I read your story
    I wanted to know whether you were suffering from low ovarian reserve and you used duo fertility and it worked for you?


  2. Hi I was reading your blog and I saw you was with 3 kind of monitors right? I’m using the Clear Blue and I saw about duo fertility but I’m in doubt because I didn’t understood well how duo can help…so in your opinion which one of the 3 is better??? I mean if you would say to a woman that wants to get pregnant but have issues, which one you would recommend to take a look? Thank you

    • Hi,
      I think that it really depends on the “issues” that you are talking about. I wasn’t sure myself and the doctors told me that I would not conceive without IVF with donor eggs, yet I have had my baby naturally. For me Duo was really the better one, Clearblue the second best (but doesn’t seem to work well when you have low ovarian reserve) and Ovacue was a waste of money. Maybe you could contact the Duofertility team and ask them if it is suitable, they were very kind to me when I bought and went through my case on the phone to help me decide if it was worth a try.
      Best of luck.

      • Hi

        Thank you very much for your answer and glad you arrived to have your baby in a natural way even with a low reserve of eggs…that gives hope for each one of us that has some kind of issue…My problem is not even that …my problem is when I get pregnant I m/c so to that my doc got me progesterone after some tests and said to take right after I see a pregnancy confirmation but my cycle is some kind irregular, so for example this 2 month my clearblue monitor didn’t detected my ovulation because was 3 days late so I needed to reset… so that’s why I was asking to you about Duo fertilely…Well I guess I’ll contact them and see what happens …
        Thanks and best of look with your new second try!

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