Monitors giving different results ….again.

Happy new year everyone!

Hopefully 2013 will be full of lovely surprises.

On the fertility side, it is not starting too well: today is day 14 and on my basic biology knowledge this is when I thought that I should ovulate.

However, my Duofertility and my Clearblue monitors are still not giving me the same “fertility status“. I am getting a bit worried that something may be wrong with my body – or that I have wasted my money.

DuoFertility is telling me that today is our last fertile days (and that the chance of conception are very low as ovulation has just occurred apparently) and Clearblue still has not seen my fertile days. I still have “low fertility“.

I wonder if the fact that I have low ovarian reserve can give me false readings on the ClearBlue. But I cannot find any explanation online about this.

Can a £100 monitor really take several months to be accurate???

Apparently , the answer is “yes” , I read on the fertility friend forum that it may take several months before Clearblue can give prediction! 

Don’t panic if you don’t get a high for your first few months using cbfm as it has to ‘learn’ your cycle first in order to make predictions.

(note: cbfm means Clearblue Fertility monitor)

If that is the case, this is an absolute waste of money, I am not willing to pay this price to have to wait until the monitor learns about my cycles, this is non-sense! With every months that I wait my ovaries are getting less and less likely to give me good eggs. Moreover the ClearBlue monitor is only giving prediction and doesn’t seem to confirm when ovulation takes place – so for several months, I will get no use out of this kit.

As you can tell I am getting slightly frustrated.

Here we are….

After taking the ovarian reserve test “for fun” with my girlfriends, I was chocked to found out that my ovarian reserve was very poor. In plain language, I might be 30 but my ovaries feel 43! That unfortunately means that I have a very slim chance of getting pregnant.

Of course I decided to do the AMH test again – another £120 by the way. And the result was similar : 2 pmol/l. This time we did the test at the fertility clinic and the consultant kindly pointed out : it is time to get moving if I want to have a chance to have my own child. He said that he recommended IVF immediately, but I want to give “trying naturally” a shot before I go down the super medical route.

We have put our holidays plans on hold, changed our immediate plans to move house in order to prioritise trying to get pregnant. In addition, I came to the conclusion that we needed to start saving in case we needed to get IVF – as unfortunately we live in an area only funding one cycle. I found out that a cycle of IVF cost £5,000 and that we would only have 1 in 4 chance of getting pregnant. I read about this treatment before but always thought that the chances of success where much higher than that!

To find out what your NHS provision is locally, I recommend looking on the infertility network website.

I have done some on-line research and found that to improve my chances of pregnancy, I would need to find out when I am most fertile. That is quite ironic after years on the pill, I am now desperate to find out when would be the best time for us to get baby dancing (yes- that is the official terminology 😉 ).

So I bought a year on DuoFertility which cost quite a bit (£500), but has a special offer on at the moment: they will refund me if I do not get pregnant this year.

I also bought a Clear Blue Fertility monitor. Which is cheaper (£100) but I will have to buy disposable tests to use it every month. So this may end up costing me quite a bit too.

I have also ordered an OvaCue, but it comes from the USA and I have not yet received it, so I will start this month without it (it costs £250).

Anyway, over a year I will (hopefully) have paid less than £1500. I didn’t find anyone comparing these fertility monitors/services online and decided to write about them so that other women looking for this information will know about this.

If you have any comments or questions, get in touch!
